Sunday, August 29, 2010

I think, I am, I be fine. ~Jenn

I think, I am, I be fine. ~Jenn

Most mornings, I go outside with my journal; sometimes with a cup of coffee or tea, sometimes alone in my bliss. There is a vortex or void in the pre dawn morn. A space of true and peaceful bliss. This is when I am one with all. Sitting on the edge of the deck, close to my willow tree whispering to sweet mysteries of life and love, I find my center and my bliss. So I write as the words flow through me. That silence in the stillness before the sun peeks over the distant mountains, I am God in all the beauty and grace. Words can’t describe it, nothing can really. It is a beam of loving light that pierces through, in and around me, embracing me with a gentle tenderness.
At times, when I am writing that feeling comes to visit and the words feel not of my own. It is a breathless breath of the fresh air and sweetest of moments. Heart opens wide and the silence embraces me completely. These are the moments of silence secrets dwell. When I pull out of the human flesh and become the true sense of what we are all… just energy. That breath or spark of light. That moment made of a smile that brighten up the darkness of times; The laughter between strangers and instant friends; if only for that short moment, like passing carts in a grocery store. The settle perceptions of depth unknown, yet takes the human dimension to the place of understanding and unity. Supporting through the presence of touching the other’s essence, knowing when the other needs a reminder to breathe. So wrapped in the human perspective and the joyous angst, that a simple hello can make one jump.
I have so much to do, yet here I be. Centered in the moment of now. Consciously reminding myself to breathe. Ah, the divine be so much. Love. I close my eyes and feel my heart sing, humming the internal wise note of harmony.
Collapsing walls of time bring all into one, as I have seen, felt and relived the past situation in this one or does that make it into this one now or is all time truly just this moment and the reflections of the past are really the reflection of the internal dream within the dream projected into the here and now dimension. I digest no more.
With eyes closed, It is hard to know myself. Lines blurred. So I simply remain present in this moment and remind myself again to breathe. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I think, I am, I be fine

I think, I am, I be fine. Jenn

Most mornings, I go outside with my journal; sometimes with a cup of coffee or tea, sometimes alone in my bliss. There is a vortex or void in the pre dawn morn. A space of true and peaceful bliss. This is when I am one with all. Sitting on the edge of the deck, close to my willow tree whispering to sweet mysteries of life and love, I find my center and my bliss. So I write as the words flow through me. That silence in the stillness before the sun peeks over the distant mountains, I am God in all the beauty and grace. Words can’t describe it, nothing can really. It is a beam of loving light that pierces through, in and around me, embracing me with a gentle tenderness.
At times, when I am writing that feeling comes to visit and the words feel not of my own. It is a breathless breath of the fresh air and sweetest of moments. Heart opens wide and the silence embraces me completely. These are the moments of silence secrets dwell. When I pull out of the humane flesh and become the true sense of what we are all… just energy. That breath or spark of light. That moment made of a smile that brighten up the darkness of times; The laughter between strangers and instant friends; if only for that short moment, like passing carts in a grocery store. The settle perceptions of depth unknown, yet takes the human dimension to the place of understanding and unity. Supporting through the presence of touching the other’s essence, knowing when the other needs a reminder to breathe. So wrapped in the human perspective and the joyous angst, that a simple hello can make one jump.
I have so much to do, yet here I be. Centered in the moment of now. Consciously reminding myself to breathe. Ah, the divine be so much. Love. I close my eyes and feel my heart sing, humming the internal wise note of harmony.
Collapsing walls of time bring all into one, as I have seen, felt and relived the past situation in this one or does that make it into this one now or is all time truly just this moment and the reflections of the past are really the reflection of the internal dream within the dream projected into the here and now dimension. I digest no more.
With eyes closed, It is hard to know myself. Lines blurred. So I simply remain present in this moment and remind myself again to breathe. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Processing Your Integrity with Grace and Style 101

Karma can be a bitch these days as the realization of truth about yourself and the lovely games we play with ourselves and others come to light so fast and easy.  The energy out is exactly what you will get back and the only one you can and often to claim as the one doing this is…YOU.
Damn… what? No more blame someone else for what is irritating you? No more letting someone else be the “wrong” one or the one out of integrity? If you are attracting this energy… like attract like.
Universal laws are coming in your head every moment and now there is more awareness of just that. I write this from the realizations of the wondering how did I (sweet, hard working, lovable ME) get into this situation? One word comes to mind with a blaze of TRUTH… Denial.
Denial is a strong word and with knowing its magic and transform your words by admitting the denial game you have played with yourself and only with yourself. So have you been playing the denial game in some form with yourself?
Remember, you are the writer of your life’s script. Yet to keep the excitement alive… all the players in your life or all the people you have around you… know the script better than you. They know their parts well and unless you are really aware and conscious of the part you play in your own creation… Denial of some of the facts will be slapping you in the face with a strong”ouch” and wait a minute… who changed the script? Uh huh… only you can change the script. So take that responsibility of your life with all the parts of it and REWRITE the script so you know it better or at least like it better.  You are now the co-creator of your life more than ever. Your thoughts hold the power to improve your life or send it down the toilet. The choice is yours.
I am blessing with some really funny, good hearted guides that have made sure I laugh at myself…often.  They let me know how, when and what my thoughts were at the time I created this situation or that one. A single sentence with any sense of strength or conviction in it brings it around faster than a dog when they hear the word “Treat!” It is like dogs have this sense of what we are thinking before we do and act on it, which is another aspect being accented these days.  I have noticed that I am attracting people with increasing empathy and telepathic abilities. That or I am thinking it so strong; they are getting my thoughts about them or the situation. It is very cool, though it does keep me aware of what I am thinking. I make sure the ending thought is “I love him, them, and her.”  It shows appreciation for the person or situation.
Now processing your integrity. I say processing simply from the standpoint that when you are in integrity or keeping your word to yourself and others, you attract right things with right actions.
The part that I have become evermore aware of in understanding the energies that I am attracting. I am becoming able to understand the reasons for the interaction with people much faster these days. And overall, I do appreciate that fact that I have been out of integrity with myself and friends. It is okay that I have let some friends go for this reason or that one. The consequences for these choices come apparent quite fast for me. I simply deal with it the best I can or am I being totally honest with myself about it?  That denial deal… looking a little deeper at why I made a choice… or more like where. From the heart or was it more from the mind/fear/denial/etc?    When I am standing up for myself and being true to myself, my thoughts… I get a positive sign that I am on the right track. If not, I get other signs and insights about it.
That is what June is for… the realigning of the core of my Being and find the solid foundation for your integrity. I understand the Life Review process… though I am getting tired of the processing and going even more deeper into the beliefs system I am holding on to. The processing is to understand all and I do mean the perspectives within the process of the “lesson.” 
So when you make a decision, do you have second thoughts on that decision or do you stand firmly behind that action? Second guessing for the most part, if you made the decision from the heart won’t happen. Second guessing or doubts creep in when you made the decision due to a fear or mind action perspective and not for the highest good of all. You wonder… well, did I do that right way or should I have done this instead? If from the heart’s perspective, you will take the action steps and let go of it, knowing it is all good and fine. Next?
So check in with your integrity or your inner voice and truly listen to the whisperings of your heart. This is the time to hear the silence that lives within and follow the dance with grace and style.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Soul's Dreams Awaken with Emerging Energies

Wow… the energies have gone into overdrive in a few ways to clear ourselves out of our way and make room for the new and improved YOU: Your new creation.  So how are you handling it all now?

Have you noticed yourself being more energetic or more empathic or more lethargic or more focus or tired/fatigued… or all of the above?

The yo-yo energies are pulling up where we need to be… detached awareness, yet we are more and more the co-creator of what is going on. Yes, you have a say.  Don’t think for one moment to say. Okay, what do you want me to do now? My guidance laughs…and repeats the question back at me. So best to ask…what is the next step for this to occur or what is the best step to take for that? Then you will get more of a direction from within. You have all the answers (always have) within you at all times. It is a matter of trusting yourself more now that you really do have the answers…and there are right for you…and the highest good for all.
So writing out your heart’s desires is a great thing to do… not how it will happen. Just that you wish to have what experiences in your life at this time. It may be anything and allowing yourself to be guided in that direction so you can. You may have many different options for it to have it happen, so be totally open to the possibilities that may unfold before you. And that is one of the key that I am finding for me…it is all unfolding.
Some of the time may seems like slow motion. You can sense the shifting perspective if you take a few moments of sitting still and reflecting on the past day or week…even month.
These times it is important to be very aware of your thoughts with your emotions on that thought…. And in a moment of negativity, remember that this is all temporary. So this is a temporary situation/attitude/feeling/moment/issue… Change your thought to a more positive outcome. Visualize is important these days.
From what I am getting from others and my guidance is that May and June will be a bit bumpy and the rest will slow improve.
So for the time being…the best thing to do for yourself is stay grounded or ground yourself by exercising, drinking lots of water, walking, do something you have a passion for, by creative in some form of expression: painting, writing, photography, acting, dance, etc.
At times when you are feeling emotional, overwhelmed… understand that there may be an issue coming up for yourself that is now healing or needs some healing. If so, talk to the emotions or feeling and ask what it is about…even if it is a part of your body hurting, there is something up. Listen and see what pops in your mind when focusing on the next step. Most important is to feel your emotions without attaching and turning the feeling into a positive… for example: Anxiety can be excitement.

Focus on what make you smile and keep the smiling. It opens your heart and mind to happy possibilities. Now time is of change and creation... Let your mind be free to wander in the imagination of your soul.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dwell In Gratitude

I dwell deeply into this place of gratitude and wonderment of the beauty lingering within me now. The sweetness of Spirit and Soul dancing before me and within me. Oh what a graceful prance of love, beauty and acceptance. My mind clear with the understanding of my creation. All my thoughts combined to bring me these truths. I can only look at the brilliance and now decide the next experience and manifestation I create with such ease as God stands before me, with love, truth and faith. Reminding me of the dream of thirteen and the power of this vision I have now lived. So blessed am I to understand and see it all, yet know that I still learn through the observation of the beauty and brilliance of humanity.
Clouds gathered and the winds blow as I now sat still and read from the Interior Castle by Saint Therese of Avila.  Such passion and devotion in her words, with truth reigning in the love she knows of the Beloved. I asked this morning for more understanding of direction and guided to read.
Write, Child… It is time for you to write and publish your words. Your wisdoms hold magic and it is time to release such powers out to the world. Healing is present and being made through those words of your experiences.
My heart lingers still in that dance… in watching the swaying and movement. The music moves my soul to planes of sweetness and passion that aren’t easily explained, yet I am to do so. My heart opens with a joy, peace and bliss. I smile. It stops me with this feeling of total devotion of Spirit’s dreams and wishes for my travel.
Illusions are gone now, yet I know what is to be. I hear the secrets whispers in the night of the Angels and the wise elders who bless me with their guidance. It is their words I write.  I sit in awe as the sun breaks through the clouds to reveal more light and more of the dance. More of the joy and love is swaying within me. Movement of the day, of this moment as my dog enters asking for some of my time. She looks out the window and sighs. This day calls her out and me as well. I end this with the sight of a rabbit…a energy of knowing the right move to made at the right time. It is time for me to move forward in my life. The center of my heart guides me. My gratitude continues. Bless you.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Moving forward... Are You?

You are on the move and willing to learn.

In the last few weeks the shifting tides have come and taking me to a different place of realizing the world I have created for myself in all areas of my life. The simple truth of who I am being vs. the person I truly am mixed and dances in front of me… like a movie that I can rewrite the script due to the simple fact that I am co-creating this adventure as each moment begins.

I have revisited past relationships to clear the issues in them by speaking my mind. Did this change anything within this issue? Yea, it really did let me know the strength of my love for this man and how little he really cared for me. I was a convenience. Ouch. Not really that hurtful. I am a giver. Now I am seeing how much I am really giving away and how much I am letting others control my actions out of what? Wanting to be loved? I love myself. I appreciate the little things I do to have a good fun-filled life. Do I do all I really want to do? Nope. What do I say this? I am a bit of a procrastinator. Waiting for that magic inspiration. It does happen though it has been fleeting. I ask Spirit for more and longer duration. In time… ha ha. I am tired. I find myself tired of this lifetime. I look at all that I am doing and feel let down by the outcome. I am looking for the balance for me and the energy power I possess. I am a powerful being of Light. I am here to help others get through the day…making those magic inspiration moments happen for them. Yea…I wonder “when is it my turn?” Funny thing is I met a man… my perfect mirror…recently. What a joy and pain in the butt. There are moments that are so sweet with him. Pure heaven on earth…then reality comes back. These special moments are what keep me in touch with him, knowing that the pains are the growing gestures we are sharing. Unconditional love…pure and simple. We are present for each other with an unspoken words of powerful magic… love, faith and trust. A deep friendship of many lifetimes. Faith in humanity is what he is providing me. Of course, he is Aquarian.

Whereas I recently had a friendship ended out of lack of integrity. I gave the situation to Spirit to tend to… I don’t need the stress or her fear. I wish her well with the karma she has created. I released her…

Next of the shifting changes is the Universe doing it again to me. Tell me…stop talking and go, do it. We are taking the distraction away from you so you have to. Ha. Overall, I know the blessings in all of this. A moment panic was all I had. I understand the beauty of the technique of the Universe. They give me what I ask for…not always the best way for me…yet I know it is a good kick in the ass that is well deserved and getting me moving in a better direction for my whole true self.

So I am meditating more to see what the Universe tells me the direction to go. I am getting some ideas and this is why this blog today. Halloween. Hallow eve. Day of the Dead. Letting go of the dead stuff that doesn’t work well. Focus on what does. Focus on your strengths. Speaking My Truth is one of mine in my view. So writing this blog today is doing that. Showing the gratitude and appreciation for the lessons happening now and the space it is pushing me out of… I understand the implication of these lessons. Duh…how can I not?

So with November beginning and the energies of Scorpio upon us…Death and Rebirth. Timing is perfect of this new beginning of getting on the track I am meant to be on. I am being more careful on my wording these days now. So how are you doing these days? It has been far too long a delay in conversation, hasn’t it? Ha. Peace~ Jen

Thursday, August 7, 2008

August intense energies break us out

With the energies of the last eclipse of Leo, which dealt with the relationship, childhood, fun, love and most important… Relationship with Self… every aspect of the true you are coming to the surface and have now begun to manifest the thoughts released. The process is intense and will be more intense with the initiation of August 8 or 8-8-8. Abundance and gaining perspective of the physical reality being created in your life is the now moment for all of us. All that doesn't work or isn't working is being removed for the highest good of all. The emphasis is on holding onto your core values and sense of Self during this month of two eclipses and two new moons; The first in Leo on the 1st with a total solar eclipse and the next in Virgo on the 31st of August.

Restlessness and exhaustion are two of the main physical feelings that are being felt right now. Take care of your body, mind and spirit. If you are tired, take a nap or sit still for a few minutes. You need it. If you are thirsty, drink lots of water or something without carbonation or caffeine. Your physical, emotional, mental, and most of all spiritual bodies are changing and evolving right now. Listen to your body… it will be a wisest thing for you to do.

Lessons are being played out… either old patterns so you see what you are letting go of for good, or old patterns that you need to understand and show yourself that you have really learned that lessons of self-respect, integrity and self love. Completion of projects, friendships and other types of relationships are also a part of this ever changing reality. Negative energies are abound right now, with envy and self absorption leading the way. Materialistic attitudes are being push with the economy and the presses of society to have it all. This truly is an unlimited Universe…if only need to trust and believe you are worth of it all… Envy only says you don’t understand why you don’t or aren’t worthy of the ideal job, the money, the relationship and with this… blocking yourself for that happening. Relax, Folks… you are worthy of it all. Tap into the self deeper and clear the crap out of the way and see the beauty that lies within you. Damn, you are so beautiful. You only need to see and appreciate yourself more with healthy boundaries and understanding the true nature of unconditional love doesn’t mean being a door mat, a punching bag or martyr. You are attaching how you feel about yourself and where you feel you belong. Change your thoughts, rewrite your story and see it all unfold before you.

A quick story about myself during this time. I recently attracted a wonderful man into my life. I was ready for a relationship and he appeared in spiritual ways. I saw him on a site that he knows nothing about, yet there he was. I wrote him and we emailed to each other for a few months. He was moving to my area for a foreign country and needed some time to adjust to being in a new job, country and situation. No prob. We finally met and it was magic. Then he fears and ego came roaring back and he began to make excuses for this and that. I was patience and then he asked a friend to have a reading with me. In reality, this friend was checking me out so this man could understand what the strong attraction was… if it was healthy or what it was. I knew what he was doing. His plan backfired as I got along with his friend quite nicely as we have lots in common… like we both were done with the games. This man met me at his friend’s house at his friend’s suggestion, where he becoming very surprised at the comfort I had with his friend and that I was at his friend’s house, spending so much time with him and what was I doing with his friend? I could see this in his eyes. I was playing the game. Going with the flow and having a good time with his friend…as a friend and nothing more. So this man’s ego came up and he pushed me away… only he was expecting that I would hold him tight… I didn’t. I told him if you want to run, I won’t stop you. It is time for all of us to grow up and act our ages. This man was a lesson for me not to let him control me and to not compromise my values. I haven’t and he isn’t too happy about that, yet he has a new kind of respect for me for standing my grounds. I understand I am in his life to wake him up to the true person he is inside and to truly appreciate the journey I have had. I have had these lessons before and that man ran right over me. No more. The current man isn’t and I am feeling good about myself and the situation with him. If he runs, it is fine reminder for me and I have no regrets on the relationship with him. People come and go and these days, people from your past are coming back to see if you have changed or the same. What buttons can they push in you? Old energies in the old situations, habits and such need to be released and opens the door to better, higher-like minded people, situation and habits.

So throughout August, understand the past is coming back to revisit your values and core to help you solidify your True Self core. It will go in waves… keep breathing and rest. And like the earth mother…with the earthquakes, weather and such, we are all being shaking up to break the new and improve out of the shadows and into the light. You can try to fight it. Please do yourself a favor…Don’t. Simply surrender to the Violet Flame of forgiveness, love and light. It will make your journey much easier for yourself and those around you. It will help them as well to invoke the Violet Flame to transmute all negative energies to the highest form of love. If you have concerns or questions, please contact me on Many blessings and enjoy your ride! Yahoo~ Jen